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해리포터와 비밀의 방 Scene#6 하늘을 나는 자동차 호그와트로, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret, to Hogwarts
by 문생세넓
2024. 8. 8.
N차 관람
하늘을 나는 차가 날아오를 때 뒷 배경이 빅벤이다.
스코틀랜드 하이랜드는 꼭 가야지.
문장 Lines
- Lost control of the trolley.
- Why can't we get through?
- The gateway has sealed itself for some reason.
- Most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car.
- Take my hand.
- Your hand is all sweaty.
단어 Words
- get through : 통과하다
- be accustomed to -ing
_ 잠시만
_ 꽉 잡아.
문법 예시
- We should just go and wait by the car.
- The invisivility booster must be faulty.
- We need to find the train.
- We must be getting close.